
Friday, April 6, 2012

BEDA 6: Cars, Airplanes, and Pokemon

Today is going to be so crazy. I've got homework and packing to finish up today and then we have to leave at 7pm for the airport.

The flight to NC takes off at 9:59pm and lands two hours later. Between arrival at JFK and arrival at my aunt's house in NC, I some how have to film a NY2TX video.

That's 6 hours. To capture, playback, edit and upload the video. I can so do this. (I don't think I can do this...)

I already told Caroline (the other half of NY2TX who can be found here: ) that my Friday video will probably be online at 2am Saturday because I won't be at the house until almost 1am then to get some last minute footage and finally get it edited and uploaded...argh.

Also Caroline sent me this frantic message last night, "WE HAVE A SUBSCRIBER!" Yes, Caroline, yes we do.

I started playing Pokemon on my laptop a few days ago, and kind of sort of maybe got addicted. It's pretty awesome. So today while searching my room for my old Nintendo DS Lite, I found this AMX gift card for $50. So when my mom gets home, I'm going to ask her to drive me to Rogoffs and I'm going to buy a Pokemon game. I'm probably going to get either Platinum or Crystal, mostly because my brother had the old versions of those when we were kids and I loved them.

I'm coming to you live (I'm such a weenie, excuse my loserness) from my new Bluetooth keyboard for my iPhone. Ya'll don't even know how great it is to be able to type so freely for these blog posts, emails, etc. I still love the regular keyboard on iPhone, but this is such a convenient tool that it's silly not to take advantage.

I also figured out that Bluetooth is allowed on JetBlue (the airline that I'm flying) and also that I can use it when I have my phone set on Airplane mode. This is just too great. So I will be blogging from 35,000 feet in the air. Yay. But I won't be able to post these blogs since I won't have internet 35,000 feet in the air, so they will be coming to you on Saturday at some point.

Okay, I'll see you later Internet

Books Read This Year: 8
Out of State Journeys: 4

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