
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sometimes...I Do Silly Things

Usually, I am pretty aware about what I am doing when I do it. Sometimes, however, I do very stupid things. Not stupid in the sense that I am ill informed of what my actions will really mean. No. I mean that the things are stupid in the miss judged the idea of what I am doing sort of way. Yeah that made sense...

Caroline can probably attest to the fact that in the 8 years we attended school together, I did many stupid things.
So these are the top 10 stupidest things (in no particular order) I did (or that just happened to me) while in grammar school with Caroline.

  1. I colored the front section of my sort-of-awkwardly-cut-"sidebangs" with a red sharpie. I did this on four different occasions. One of which was during religion class. I was in 8th grade.
  2. Broke 13 bones throughout my body between Grade 3 and Grade 8. Also suffered from 3 concussions that I still blame on my neighbor Matt.
  3. Wrote the name of my first grade crush all over my soft sided Barbie lunch box and pretended it was a laptop. I spent the thirty minutes that we were allowed for lunch "typing" away and also, suspiciously looking over my shoulder every few minutes.
  4. Said "yeah" and "like" a million times in Mrs. Gigliello's class, and didn't get in trouble once. Still kind of afraid that it'll be a surprise attack.
  5. Sat down next to John Powers in 7th grade and didn't get up.
  6. Had applesauce dumped on my lap in Grade 1, and apple left in my backpack in Grade 2, and applejuice squirted at me in Grade 3. All by the same boy. Connor Ryan, aka Manzana Nino.
  7. Met my two best friends, Caroline and Jimmy, when we tied Jimmy to a fence with my slinky. In first grade. It's not stupid that it happened, it's stupid how it happened.
  8. In 8th grade, I tried to prove that it was illegal for our principal, Sr. Patricia, to search our bookbags for cellphones. A: It is completely illegal. She can only search our bags if she had probable cause to suspect illicit substances. and B: I got in trouble for being disrespectful.
  9. I jumped in the Atlantic Ocean in March with a bunch of girls in our gym uniforms.
  10. I roamed Rockaway with Caroline, almost missed graduation practice, almost got kicked out of graduation practice, and got the death stare from Mrs. Greene for playing with Jimmy during graduation.
Now, I am aware of how long this post is getting. But I have to another little section. Don't hate me.

Stupid things that I have done with or relating to Julia Cassidy.
1. Mixed the blue and yellow paint to make green and then proceeded to paint her green. We were three. Friends since.
2. Sat on a five feet wide strip of grass in the middle of a major street in our town with her. In front of a boy who she doesn't know's house.
3. Went on a mile and a half walk with dogs at 10:00 at night with a broken foot and walked through clouds of marijuana smoke...(is that what it's called?)
4. Made up a stupid dance that we did in the middle of the street.
5. Played truth or dare with my neighbor Matt.
6. Rode our bikes home. Barking.
7. Almost got us both attacked by a drunk redhead because he stole something from me. Thankfully Anthony saved us. And fixed Julia's bike.
8. Almost got hit by a car. A lot of times.
9. Broke me ankle and went to her concert that night anyway.
10. Set her up with Matt's cousin whom she hates.

I love you both. Thank you for allowing me to do all this stupid things but also keeping me alive.

Good day Internet.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Foot Hurts

I am 5 feet tall and I weigh about 100lbs. I also love horses. An average 15h horse weighs about 11 times my weight. Do you catch my drift?

I've been around horses for the majority of my young life. From the old arthritic pony at the fair when I was a year old. to Dutchboy, the painted bay lesson horse I rode when I was six. At the age of eight, I graduated to Elmo, a black Quarter Horse who was around 16h. Enough of that now. I think you understand that I have been around horses for the majority of my fourteen year existence. Ironically, I am deathly allergic to horses and have been since I was a baby.

So, even though I was a tiny tot, wandering around the barn hopping bareback on a horse that dwarfed me by size and experience, I have never been stepped on by a horse. That is, of course, until this past Sunday, when this lovely horse I work with, Layla stepped on me. Now, Layla's not huge (just about 15h on a good day, clocking in at 1150-ish-lbs) and I was wearing my steal toed horse riding boots, it hurt like hell.

She stepped on me at the beginning of the 8:30am ride, and for the next seven hours I kept working. Yes. Ouch. I am an idiot. And I swear, if one more person tells me that I "shouldn't have stayed," I'm gonna explode. Or implode. I'm not sure yet.

So at 3:30, Mama Bear Kelley picked me up with the entire family in tow. We go to the hospital, get it X-rayed, and then the doctor comes over and says: "Well, it's definitely NOT broken."

Great! So what the heck is wrong with my foot?!?!?!?

DR: It's what we call a "Crush" injury.
Me: Whaaaaaat?
DR: You see, it's like when you squish Play-Doh...

After that I stopped listening. Play-Doh. My foot is like Play-Doh?!?!?!

I hope to be good to go soon because I miss the horses.

Yes. I am crazy.

See ya soon, Internet.

Books Read This Year: 6

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Distinctive Voice (or shoes)

My name is Theresa and I can not identify the voice of a specific person to save my life. Apparently my shoes are very distinctive though because some girl in the stall next to me identified me by them.

But if you gave me Matt's voice or Caroline's or Julia Carey's. I could do it in a second.

What can I say? I'm weird.