
Monday, August 27, 2012

Getting Some Things Down In Writing


I go back to school in two weeks and I can't keep myself from thinking about how I want this year to be Different. Brilliant. I really want to talk about this on the internet and I don't want to make a video about it until it's official, or even semi-official. So, here I am. Talking about this here.

Okay, back in July I contacted Lori Earl, mother of Esther Earl, HP fan and nerdfighter extraordinaire. Yes, I am talking about the Esther Earl to whom John Green dedicated his most recent book, and the same one died from thyroid cancer two years ago at the age of sixteen. Last year, her mother and father founded a nonprofit organization called This Star Won't Go Out. Their goal is to carry a bit of that burden for hurting families through financial gifts. They do great work.

So, back to what I contacted Lori about. I want to do some sort of fundraiser with TSWGO. She very quickly responded to me and gave me numerous examples of what I could do. What I'm going to do is sell TSWGO bracelets at my high school. My school has fundraisers multiple times a year, and they usually involve bracelets. Lori told me to just email her telling her how many bracelets I need, and she'll send them to me to sell for whatever donation. The only hitch in this plan is that I will need to work heavily with my dean and guidance counselor. Eh.

Despite the fact that I would have to work with administration, I still really want to do this. Even more, I feel I need to do this.

For now, Internet. Good bye.

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