
Monday, August 27, 2012

Getting Some Things Down In Writing


I go back to school in two weeks and I can't keep myself from thinking about how I want this year to be Different. Brilliant. I really want to talk about this on the internet and I don't want to make a video about it until it's official, or even semi-official. So, here I am. Talking about this here.

Okay, back in July I contacted Lori Earl, mother of Esther Earl, HP fan and nerdfighter extraordinaire. Yes, I am talking about the Esther Earl to whom John Green dedicated his most recent book, and the same one died from thyroid cancer two years ago at the age of sixteen. Last year, her mother and father founded a nonprofit organization called This Star Won't Go Out. Their goal is to carry a bit of that burden for hurting families through financial gifts. They do great work.

So, back to what I contacted Lori about. I want to do some sort of fundraiser with TSWGO. She very quickly responded to me and gave me numerous examples of what I could do. What I'm going to do is sell TSWGO bracelets at my high school. My school has fundraisers multiple times a year, and they usually involve bracelets. Lori told me to just email her telling her how many bracelets I need, and she'll send them to me to sell for whatever donation. The only hitch in this plan is that I will need to work heavily with my dean and guidance counselor. Eh.

Despite the fact that I would have to work with administration, I still really want to do this. Even more, I feel I need to do this.

For now, Internet. Good bye.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Time Really Does Fly

So, it's been a while. I'm sorry. I don't really have an excuse to why I haven't posted here other than I just didn't. I mean, I had time. Plenty of time. A plethora of time. And I did try to post here, but, I didn't. I would open Blogger and then write a bit, but then end up closing the page.

I've started another book. And finished none. Ah, that's a lie. I finished Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan. I started it...months ago. But I had borrowed it on Nook, and then the loan timed out. So, I never finished it. I got all of John Green's books for my birthday, so I finished Will Grayson, Will Grayson the second I got it. Literally. I'm currently reading 1984 by George Orwell, which is nice, and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.

After I last posted, I went to, and returned from, Virginia. I'm in Pennsylvania now. And tomorrow, I will be in New York (not home though.) and later tomorrow night, I will be back in Pennsylvania. I also went to New Jersey the other day.

I have finally given in, and I am updating my iPhone from iOS 3.2 to the current version, iOS 5.1....yeah, I've never updated it. Can you tell?

Videos on the channel New York to Texas will resume their regular schedule on Monday, the twentieth. Caroline went back to Texas on Monday. She starts school tomorrow...or rather, today. It's almost four in the morning. Oh dear.

I've been making videos on my own channel pretty frequently though. And there will be one up by the end of the week.

Also: This is something that I didn't post about on any social networking site, not Tumblr, not Facebook, and  not Twitter, but my cat died. She was ten years old, and I've had her for almost my entire life that I can remember. Like, I have memories from before I was four, but I don't remember not having a cat. So, yeah. she had cancer, and we didn't want her to suffer because we love her.

So, I leave you on that note.

Books Read: 12
Journeys: 27

Monday, July 16, 2012

I Survived!

Remember a few months back when I posted about my LP? Well do I have amazing news or what? My darling mother has solved the problem. She bought me a replacement laptop that I just switched the hard drives and I was good to go. This is awesome. I'm still getting used to typing on a laptop keyboard again, but  is that a first world problem or what? Also...the new laptop is pink. :) And that makes me very happy because it is an adorable pink. 

So I have a lot of things to do today. I have to edit my video on the concert that Caroline and I went to...a month ago, and I have to script the video that I want to film with my brother when he comes into town which is tonight. I mean, I'm not going to film it tonight but it would be nice if I knew what was going to occur in the video before I do film it. Yeah. 

Caroline and I have been playing Super Mario Brothers Wii a lot lately, and I have discovered two things: a) that I should have really played the hand-me-down Mario video games that I got from my brother, and b) Caroline gets really angry when she plays video games. 

I'm going to put the footage that we took of us playing video games up on YouTube some day, and by some day, I mean that I'll put it in a Scrapbook style vlog some time in the future. 

I'm participating in the Nerdfighteria Blurbing Book Club this year and we are reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. John and Hank chose this book for two reasons: a) in honor of Ray Bradbury's death, and b) because Fifty Shades of Grey which is "basically Twilight fanfiction turned into a novel" has sold more copies than Bradbury did during his entire life. 

So yes. That's what is going on. Bye Internet.
Books: 11 (Yes, I am failing. No, I am not quitting.)
Journeys: 22

Monday, July 2, 2012

Thoughts On VidCon

So...VidCon...that's a thing that happened. =)

I still cannot believe that this weekend actually happened! It was so awesome (as in the actually definition of instilling awe). I met John and Hank Green and they are truly two of the most lovely people on this earth. Also on Day 1 of VidCon, I met Jenna Marbles. She is also extremely sweet.

On Day 2 of VidCon I ended up on a line, completely by accident, that was to meet Charlie McDonnell. (and Michael Aranda) Charlie is just...adorable. He called my ukulele cool because it has a dolphin on it. Later on I met Laci Green on the elevator and she was also really really nice.

Speaking of people that I made he acquaintance of whist on the elevator, I also ran into Tom Milsom, Frezned, and Michael Aranda more times than I can count.

I met Hayley Hoover (hayleyghoover) while I was in the courtyard outside of the convention center after attending the Footy Pajama Meetup organized by Kristina Horner and Lex.

On the line to meet Charlie, I met three very nice girls :Kaitlin, Jordan (jordanthecake) and Kylie. That was nice.

So VidCon was amazing and I cannot wait until next year when Julia can hopefully come with me to Anaheim.

I'm sitting in the Long Beach Airport (LGB) waiting for my flight which was just delayed for an hour...=(

Okay Internet, the next time we will speak is when I'm in a different timezone, so.. Bye.

Books: 11
Journeys: 19 (soon to be twenty.)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Camp NaNoWriMo 2012!

Well, the June session of Camp NaNoWriMo has begun. I got into the game a little late. Ahem, about twelve days late. So I'm going to have to write about 2500 words a day rather than 1667 words a day in order to finish in time. But I'm still very determined. I got myself sponsored via and got a nifty badge for my camper profile which can be found here.

And I was just procrastinating, because I am terrible, and I found out that they have little participant badges so here's mine. They're available for all types of internet real state.
So, I must get back to noveling. I shall speak with you later internet.

Books: 10
Journeys: 14

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Projects!

So a couple of posts back I wrote about my busy summer plans. Well, in keeping with the Theresa-is-moderately-insane theme that this blog has taken on over the past few months, I am now going to share with you my Summer Projects for 2012. Yay!

Okay so the 7th of June is my last day of class, but I'm considering the 13th to be the beginning of my summer vacation as I am finished with finals. I have regents on the 14th and 19th and I get my report card on the 22nd, but whatever. And I am considering the 7th of September to be my end of Summer. That's a full three months for me to complete some awesome non school related projects. So shall we?

  • Since I'm going to be traveling a lot this summer, and participating in a lot of events, I'm going to keep a summer trip/event journal. I'm going to put this in a marble-composition-type-notebook because their durable, and easy to carry around. 
  • I'm going to be continuing my Awesome Notebook in which I state why each day is awesome. In the back I've been keeping a list of books I've read for the 50 Book Challenge, which brings me to the next project.
  • I'm going to try to read 15 books this summer, which may not even allow me to complete the 50 Book Challenge. But I WILL complete it. Mostly because I am terrified of failure in any form. 
  • Videos can be expected on my channel:, EVERY WEEK! Oh my Gosh! What a change!!!
So those are my summer project. I'll also be updating this as often as I can, which should be much more often than I have been since I have the Blogger app for my iPhone. But you know. 

So I'm home from PA, and I think that within the next two weeks you can expect a video on my channel with Julia. It would have been up two weeks ago, but I need to refilm because my head isn't in the frame. This is mostly because I have better posture than Julia, despite her being taller than me. 

Okay, Internet, this is the first time I am ever going to say this but, please subscribe/follow me on Blogger, Twitter, YouTube, and Tumblr. It would mean a lot. Also comment underneath this post, or any post. I'd like to know that I'm being read and comprehended. 

Ooh! And in about a month I'm going to be announcing something big that only Caroline and Julia know. Enjoy perusing the internet. 

Books: 10 (soon to be 11)
Journeys: 14!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Quarterly Crisis

Every three months or so, I go through this crisis in which I question all of my beliefs, everything I stand for, and everything I want for myself. While I think that questioning beliefs and internal reflection leads to personal growth, I don't this that these spurts of self doubt are helping.

They all start the same: I have a bad throat day or I don't tune my guitar, and BAM I am singer/songwriter/guitarist/actress to walk the planet and my life with never be what I want it to be. Then I fall behind on my work: schoolwork, videos, planning for performances. Then comes my favorite part of all: I decide that all of my friends aren't true friends, that no one will ever love me, and I will die alone from anaphylactic shock or asthma because I live with a hundred cats even though I'm allergic and then they will eat my flesh when I'm dead.
I honestly was going through one of these today. But now everything is okay because I have so much good in my life. I have so many people who do love me, I have great friends because I'm a great friend, and there's always going to be someone I know with a harder life. They could be poor, abused, suicidal, ECT. I'm just a little egocentric at 2:30 in the morning.

I'm in PA right now so I get to add that to the journeys list. Haven't finished any books lately, but I'm reading The Catcher in the Rye. It's good.

Good night Internet.

Books: 10

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Books and Trips

I finished Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children  by Ransom Riggs last week. Comments? I hope to God that there is a sequel. It was so amazing. GO! Go now. To the store and buy the book. It was really, really good.

I'm in Pennsylvania right now, and I got some footage for my video on the trip up, as well as when I got into my bedroom. I love the PA house. It's so cute. Tomorrow we're (my dad and I) are going to the Goodwill because I need a nightstand...and tripod if they have one. I'm getting a new camera in a few weeks and a tripod with it, but I think I need a tripod for the PA house because I am NOT lugging my microphone stand up here to film. Not happening.

I brought up an old test from the Rockaway house. It used to be my mom's, then it was mine, then my brother's. Then darling brother of mine ran off to California, leaving the desk (and most of his possessions) behind. So today, I unceremoniously dumped all of his crap into a milk crate in his room and my dad carried the desk down the four flights of stairs, and I followed with a wooden chair. :)

Well, Internet, it's almost 2am, so I'm going to sleep now.

Books read: 10!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Breathing A Sigh Of Relief

I think I just took my first actual deep breath in a while.
I just finished editing my first video for my channel and wow, it's nice to relax. Now don't get me wrong, I'm very stressed right now, but now that I have that first video up, it's all gone! I filmed my Tuesday NY2TX video at 11:30 last night and uploaded it this morning.

I don't think I'll bitching on this blog for a while....that is until the week before VidCon and I decide that I should premote NY2TX and my own channel. Oh yeah, you guys don't know this yet!

I'm going to VidCon 2012 in Anaheim California! Ahhh! I wish Caroline and Julia were coming but I'm definitely bringing them with me next year. So at VidCon I want to do come like promoting of the NY2TX channel as well as my own.  I'm really looking foward to VidCon and who knows? Maybe next year Caroline and I will have tickets to Industry Day at VidCon. (Oh my asdfghjkl that would be amazing!)

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is really good and you should check it out.

Thank you, Internet, for allowing me to do all the interesting things I do.

Books read: 9
Journeys: 10

Monday, May 7, 2012

New Things Occuring!

Wow. Here we are. It's May. Wow.

Okay, so back in April (aka: the month of many year changing decisions) I said I was gonna start making videos on my youtube channel in May. Well here we are and, um, how many videos have I made? Uhhum...None.

I decided the other day in the shower that I'm going to make videos on Wednesdays and Thursdays, depending on the NY2TX cycle. Smart, huh? But, I didn't think this so well through.... I have the 2 day cycle this week: Tuesday and Thursday. So that means that it's Monday, tomorrow is Ny2Tx, then Wednesday is my video. It's all happening so fast and I'm glad that ya'll have stuck around through my bitching and moaning about taking on too much, too soon (see all the blog posts on this exact topic).

Oh! I also started Tumblr-ing. (Is that the word?) My blog is and it's a 95% horse blog, but I'm considering starting one for like my YouTube-y life, or just like my life in general, but in picture form. There are so many social network-y things that I'm involved in right now. Shall I list? Oh, Thank you! Feel free to add me on any of these; as long as you're not some socio/ psychopath, I'll accept.

1. Facebook:
2. Twitter:!/Theresa_Kelley
3. Tumblr:
4. Main Blogspot:
5. Life Blogspot:
6. NY2TX:
7. Main Channel:
8. Personal e-mail that I am not going to post here.
9. Professional e-mail:
10: The NY2TX e-mail that I'm not going to post here either.

Now, why am I telling you all this? Many reasons.

1. I love whoever takes the time out of their day to read what I take the time out of my day to write.
2. Because in a chat room the other day, some one who has actually seen NY2TX was like, "Do you and Caroline have VYou accounts?"

No. We don't. And this is why: we both have to manage all of the things I listed above plus more! Caroline has Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr(s), Blogspot(s), NY2TX, her own channel, e-mail(s) and life to handle. VYOU is just too much! If ya'll want to contact us, you can do one of three things.

You can:
a) Put it in the comment or message us on the NY2TX youtube.
b) Leave a video response on a NY2TX video!
c) Facebook it to us. (We do not have plans for a NY2TX Facebook page, so send it to me or Caroline, please.)

Okay. That's all for now, because I have taken up enough of your day, Internet.

Books: 9
Journeys: 10

Saturday, May 5, 2012

First time out in a week!

So I was really ill this past week and didn't get any work from any of my classes done.  Ahhhh! NOT good! I'm doing it all today and tomorrow. I was supposed to do it yesterday, Friday, but I was feeling better so I went with my Aunt to B & N because she wanted to get my Grandmother a Nook for Mother's Day. I picked up a few things while I was there: 
  1. Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. Ransom Riggs is a nerdfighter and a close friend of John Green! I've been meaning to get this for a while but never got around to it. It's kind of creepy so far, but a good creepy!
  2. A new B & N card while I was checking out. 
  3. A Tall Iced Latte from the attached Starbucks Cafe (YUM!) and a German Pretzel thing. They are so good, and just like the ones in Germany! 
I forgot home much I live the Garden City B&N. I have to go there more often, and next time with NERDFIGHTER NOTES!  
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children
By Ransom Riggs
My member card!
My latte! No pictures of the pretzel though. I completely forgot!

Books Read: 9
Journeys: 10

BEDA 30: So....Anaphylaxis is fun...

So this happened on Monday night into yesterday, but I didn't mention it for some reason in those BEDAs.

Apparently I'm allergic to like artificial food dye. I know this now because I got a huge rash after eating a piece of cherry pie my dad bought on Monday evening. Then my throat and chest started feeling tight; My throat was starting to close up and I was having an asthma attack. I didn't feel well until late yesterday, and I still feel ill now. I have some type of really bad bug. Caroline's exempted me from videos this week. So if you watch them (maybe you do! and that's great if you do!) Caroline made one yesterday but I'm not sure if she's making one tomorrow.

Being me just keeps getting more and more fun.

Books: 9
Journeys: 10

BEDA 29: Life Lessons.

Here's something that you probably could have already assumed : When you have a New York car towed from your Pennsylvania summer residence to a Toyota Motor World to get a new set of keys because you think your dog stole them, the mechanics are not going to jump on the opportunity. 

So as you could have guessed, today went so smoothly. I woke up about 20 minutes before the tow truck came, had an English Muffin and some incorrectly brewed tea, and then started packing my stuff. The tow truck gets here and I am ushered out of the house with the leash-less dogs in tow, and  into my father's blue truck. So I sat there and watched as the beautifully dressed could-be-politician gets out of the tow truck. He proceeds to lose his keys, and then isn't sure where the axle is on my mother's mini-van. This took about 45 minutes for this guy to get his act together and then we were off to Motor World. 

Let's do a quick preliminary total of how much time I wasted today due to Motor World. 


= 1 1/2 hours.

So we get to Motor World and my parents get out to go get the keys and everything. They're gone for like half an hour, during which time I began to reread TFIOS. Then they come back and my dad says, "Well it's gonna be like 2-4 hours so we're going back to the house." FUN RIGHT?



Three hours later they call my dad's cell and say that they can't get the key until tomorrow. My mom comes into the living room where I am happily living and says that we're taking the 4Runner (My dad's blue truck.)

Let me just say that that was my idea in the first place. Gahhhhh! 



Books :9
Journeys: 10

BEDA 28: The Case of The Missing Keys

My mom, or dad, or dog, lost the keys to our car so we are stuck in Pennsylvania until tomorrow when we can get new keys from Toyota. Nicely done parentals, nicely done.

So, we're eating tacos for dinner and I'm making brownies. FUN FACT! I don't even like brownies, but I'm feeling very domestic. :3 

Cody sat next to me in the van for about 2 hours while I read TFIOS for about the millionth time. My darling mother and father were in the living room screaming at each other about keys while their best friends sat on the couch between them. How awkwardly pleasant. Anywho, Cody hates fighting, screaming, and basically any expression of frustration, so he slept in the driver's seat while I read. It was nice. Peaceful.

I finished TFIOS today. Again. The sad thing is that The 50 Book Challenge is just for first time reads. Eh. I'll get over it. Currently reading Silas Marner and Eclipse.

Books read : 9
Journeys : 9

Friday, May 4, 2012

BEDA 27: Things I do that I shouldn't do.

Today I went quadding with a broken foot. 

My dad asked me if I wanted to take a ride with him and my mom and my aunt and uncle and I was like, "Can I do that with a broken foot? Like am I allowed to do that?" And what does my father say, "Not being allowed to do something has never stopped you before." 

So I went. It was awesome. asdfghjkl. Amazing. 

Also, I'm finding I have a strange addiction to tumblr. 

I found out that the lead singer of my favorite band, He Is We, is no longer able to tour. Her health was declining when I saw her last July with my then best friend, Samantha. She has an autoimmune disease that made her have to take two chemotherapy drugs. Then she found out recently that she has another disease that I can't spell that cause fusion of the vertebrae. I love her and Trevor, and was so lucky to meet them and talk to them when I was in eighth grade. They're great people and I'm so lucky to be able to say I know them personally. 

BEDA 27: North-West Bound.

Well, sort of. I'm off to Plymouth, Pennsylvania home of...nothing.

My dad decided that we needed a vacation house. Okay. So when normal people think "vacation house" they think South Hamptons, Bahamas, Bermuda, even Upstate NY. Does anyone ever wake up one morning and say to themselves I'm going to buy a house in Pennsylvania today ? Now, if you are a sane person, you probably said no. You have obviously never met my father. (Which most of you probably haven't, now that I think of it.)

My dad bought the house in PA a few months ago from the bank. Apparently, the previous owner was some crazy guy. He had about a thousand pigeons in a coup out back. Before he lost the house to foreclosure, he wired the electricity up to the gas line. *Insert volcanic eruption*

So, off to Pennsylvania. It's actually quite awesome. Quadding around the mountains. It's just cool.

Buh-Bye Internet.

Journeys: 9

BEDA 26: Opinions! Books Vs. EBooks

Ready for me to spit opinions at you, even though you really don't care? Oh, dandy! 

I have a Barnes and Noble Nook and I love it. The fact that I can carry around literally thousands of books in my bag is a big seller for me. 

I love books. I love being able to see how far left until I finish the book. 

I actually thought that I good make a long blog about this, but I can't. So, there it is...

Books= YAY!

Go forth and be nerdy, Internet.

Books: 9
Journeys: 8

BEDA 25: A Teacher Story Fit For The Learning Channel.

Today I had Advanced Placement World History or, as we call it at Mary Louis, WHAP. Oh WHAP...

My teacher, Ms. Bruen, never ceases to amaze me with her uncanny ability to ignore the world around her. We're learning about the Renaissance and Henry VIII. Ms. Bruen loves it when people ask questions, so I asked her if there are Catholic churches in England now. (Obviously, there are. My uncle works at the American Embassy in London. He attends church at a Roman Catholic church every Sunday.)

So anyway, Ms. Bruen says to me, and I quote, "There are VERY few. The last time I was over, I had to go to one of THEIR churches. There wasn't a Catholic church for 100 miles." Really, Ms. Bruen? 100 miles. That's like saying there are no mosques on the Rockaway peninsula. There aren't many but, downtown, there are some. I told my grandmother what Ms. Bruen said. Her response? "Where was she? Up the Queen's ass?"

She also told the class that if you can count your possessions, you are in poverty. *blinking and shaking head in disbelief* No no no. Anyone can count their possessions, if they have enough time and patience. And also, material possessions are not an acurate determiner of wealth. I could be the richest person in the world, but I'm just not glutinous.

Oh, American education system, you never do fail when it comes to my personal amusement and irritation.

Goodbye Internet.

Books read: 9
Journeys: 8

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

BEDA 24: Stories of Stupidity; Chapter 1.

Remember that time when I was a normally functioning person? Yeah, me neither.

Today, I fell. Literally, I fell when walking into school. I was crutching along when I slipped and my broken-foot-leg crumpled underneath me. My religion teacher Mr. Reed picked me up. And then I fell again. After I got over to a bench in front of the general office, this tiny little nun, Sr. Fillipa started yelling for some teacher to get "Pat." Sr. Pat is our school nurse and I have spent way too much time in her office this year.

The tiny man teacher comes sprinting down the hallway in slow motion to end up breathing hard in front of us. "Pat's not in her office," he panted. Enter awkward teenager. I just quickly said, "I'm fine.I really am. My knees just hurt. I'm fine." Then tiny nun, who is probably pushing 80, takes my 30 lb backpack and starts carrying it to my locker. Teachers were stopping her, asking if she needed help. Meanwhile, back at Theresa's subconscious, I felt like a jerk.

Well thats it for this episode of stories of stupidity. I'll see you next time, Internet.

Books read:9

Sunday, April 29, 2012

BEDA 23: My semi-weekly peace.

With the first month of NY2TX coming to a close, I've come to love the weeks when I only make two videos. I just realized today that I am going to have to start planning the first video for my own channel. May is approaching faster than I ever would have thought and, as it speeds towards, I want to take a second to slow down. By "slow down," I obviously mean that I'm going to bitch about all the projects that I've taken on it the last month.

In December, I had it in my head that I was going to do the 50 Book Challenge. 50 books in 52 weeks. Completely doable, right?

Then I decided I was going to do was BEDA. I didn't think that it would be that bad, and it hasn't been. Minus, of course, the fact that my computer decides to wait a few days before actually posting each blog. BEDA is pretty simple as it's basically me, vomitting my words into the Blogger website for innocent people to read.

Then, just a day into BEDA, I message Caroline about NY2TX. We start the project the next day, with my video. And it continued since then.

With the establishment of NewYorktoTexas, I decided that I was going to start making videos on my own channel in May. I picked May because it seemed so far away, yet it's still before VidCon...Now we're only a week before the start of May and I need to make a video. Should I go the Kristina Horner route with a video response? The Haley Hoover route with a catchy outro? Maybe a Nerimon style vloggity vlog?

So many choices!

Good night Internet!
Books: 9

Saturday, April 28, 2012

BEDA 22: Violating Interstate Speed Limits

I am coming to you now from a vehical on Interstate-95, North Bound, going 85 miles an hour. Now, I am almost completely sure that the speed limit is 65 miles per hour, but you try telling that to my mother. Decided against it? Oh good.

The purpose of this post is not for me complain about my mother's terrifying driving habits. This is basically a recap of my weekend.

If I had to put a word on this weekend, it would be wonderful. Sometimes you forget how great it is to be with family until you spend a bunch of time with them.

I guess that's it.

Bye Internet.

Books read: 9
Journeys: 8

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

BEDA 21: Movies

I saw the Hunger Games today with my two cousins, Sarah and Lauren.  From the previews and news coverage, I didn't really like the casting choices, but once I saw the film I came to love their choices. 

I know most people have seen this film already, but I'm not going to go in depth in a review or anything. This is just me letting y'all know that I saw the movie. 

Dinner tonight. Okay. So, we went to this BBQ type place called Smokey Bones, and it's kind of amazing. They have great food, they play great music, and there's great service. 

I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow because we're leaving and then I have homework that I can't do until I get back to Rockaway because I didn't bring the BlueTooth receiver for my keyboard. I'm smart.

Oh! I finished New Moon. So that's something...productive...that I did. Sort of. 

Tomorrow's post will be better Internet. Promise.

Books read: 9!!!
Journeys: 8

Sunday, April 22, 2012

BEDA 20: We are driving!

Hey internet. I'm on my way to Virginia with my mom. I'm sitting here in my extremely uncomfortable school uniform, listening to the musical stylings of the Moaning Myrtles.

It's a last minute trip.

See ya Internet.

Books read 8
Journeys: 7

BEDA 19: Death

If you read this bloggity-blog of mine, you may have caught on to something: I am weird. I am the product of two very very strange families and I am very lucky that I turned out the way I did, which is moderately normal. Yeah, I know.

Something else you may have picked up (I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not) is that I am Irish Catholic. The Irish part may not seem significant now, but just wait. So a stereotype most people know about irish people (other than the drinking) is that they really like wakes and funerals. I don't know why. But it's hereditary. Now comes in the catholic. In my town, wakes are the time when you see people you haven't seen in years. And funerals are not a "celebration of life" they are a time for a final blessing of the body before burial. They're more for the living, though. (I am not a Theologian. I'm just a girl whose family likes death.)

So what brought this on, you ask? Well, 10 years ago today my grandfather died. I didn't just want to make a depressing blog post all about my dead grandfather who I miss more than anything so therefore this post was born.

So you learned something knew and I wasted five minutes of your day. The usual here on my blog. You learned something that will do nothing to help you other than to stay away from the funeral home in Rockaway. Well that is helpful.

Bye Internet.

Books read:8

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

BEDA 18; Videos During Homeroom

My New York 2 Texas video today was completely scripted during my morning homeroom. At 8:10 in the morning I was sitting in Room 315 and I pulled out an old notebook and started writing the five facts I would use for my video and I then wrote the song. 

My teacher looked at me a little strangely as I sat in my seat flailing my arms wildly, reciting a script to an imaginary camera. Let me rephrase that. Very strangely. 

People tend to look at me strangely,though. I'm usually walking around my town (or jumping ) with my camera talking/singing to myself. 

Good Night Internet.

Books Read : 8
Journeys : 6

BEDA 17: Birthdays and Doctors

I feel like birthdays are becoming a theme in my BEDAs. Well today is Matt's birthday. I don't really know what to call Matt. I don't think he's my friend. I know he's not my boyfriend. I know he's my friend's brother, and my other friend's best friend. But to me? Well when I mention him in a story and someone says, "Who's Matt?" I sort of automatically think....he's my Matt. What else do you need?

My friends and I know quite a few Matt's: Matt Sav, Matt Buckley, Matt Pap, Matt Gamb, and Matt Prasenski. Matt Sav is, just that, Matt Sav. Matt Buckley is Buckley. Matt Pap, Matt Papa. Matt Gamb is Upstate Matt and Matt Prasenski is My Matt. I my friend says something about a Matt, I will usually say, "My Matt?" Which is odd due to the fact that I have no possession of him. He is, and has never been, nothing more than a neighbor. He's just...mine.

So today is his fifteenth birthday, and so begins the 3 months and 8 days that he can continuously say that he is older. Yupp. It's fun. But I'm a year ahead in school, so ha.

I went to the doctor today for my foot. They still don't know if it's broken. How frustrating. My doctor wants to send me for an MRI which is irritating as well. I think that he thinks there is nothing wrong with my foot. I'm not a fan of doctors really. Sometimes they're great, and when they're great, they're great. But when they're not great? They're terrible.

Good Night Internet.

I want to finish New Moon by Friday.

Books Read:8 (I am pathetic)
Journeys: 6

Monday, April 16, 2012

BEDA 16: Birthdays and Unfair Teachers

Let's start this off on a light, happy note. Today is my friend Dylan's 16th birthday! And tomorrow is my...Matt's 15th birthday. {Not sure what to call him. Neighbor? Friend? School Mate? Kid I Want to Sell to Guatemala?}  So I'm very happy for them.

Now on to the fact that my WHAP {World History AP} teacher hates me and is planning my combustion as we speak. Ms. B and I have an interesting relationship. I'm clumsy and as a result I am often on crutches. Since I'm clumsy and I'm on crutches, I often fall, make loud noises with those crutches, or just have a spaz attack and they fall to the floor. Ms. B doesn't like that about me. I have to say though, I am an acquired taste. 

So I try to work hard in her class but she doesn't call on me. Ever. I sit in the front row. I will be the only one with my hand up. She will not pick on me. Ever. How am I supposed to learn this extremely difficult material that you obviously don't know how to teach if you don't answer my question? Think!

SO I had an 87 average 1st trimester, but then I received a 78 2nd trimester because I did poorly on the Mid Term. I want to pull my grade back up so that I can prove to my parents that I am responsible enough to do homeschooling, but she doesn't teach me. 

I got a B- on my essay today when a girl who wrote a shorter essay with the exact same comments as mine got a B. There's a four-point difference. I got an 80, and she got an 84. I'm really not a grade-grub but I just don't think it's fair for the teacher to grade me on a steeper curve than the other girls. 

Okay. I'm done. 

Goodnight Internet. 

Books Read:8

BEDA 15: RIP Vacation

You know how after you've been off from school/work for two weeks and the night before you go back you're just thinking to yourself, "noooooooo?" Sort of like in those cartoons when something bad happens the show the character falling off a cliff screaming, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Yes. That is what I am experiencing right now. 

I really have never liked school. It doesn't really make sense because I'm smart and I like the whole learning aspect but not so much the "social" aspect. I actually hate the social aspect. It all just seems so manufactured to me. You know, the whole, "I have to get to class! What class do you have? I have a free. Are you in my ___ class? Oh your not? Oh too bad. Hugs!" just seems like everyone is trying to live up to what old school Disney Channel shows about Middle/High School {Lizzie McGuire, Even Stevens, That's So Raven, etc.} always idealized. Always having a group of three friends: you and two others. It just doesn't seem right.

That brings me to the topic of this blog.

I would love to be homeschooled and I'm trying to convince my parents. I would have so many opportunities open to me that I don't have right now. I could take classes that aren't available to me. I could travel. I could pursue my dreams. This isn't me trying to convince anyone that homeschooling is better. It's just better for me. 

Okay Internet. That's enough controversy for tonight. 

Books read:8

BEDA 14: High Speed Internet?

I just realized that my blog posts are not uploading until hours after the fact. Weird.

Well, it's Saturday and I slept practically all day. I go back to school on Monday and I'm not looking foward to that. I've been staying up until 3 am practically all week.

I can usually sit down at my computer and open BlogSpot and the words will just flow onto the page. Not today.

Good night Internet.

Books read: 8
Journeys: 6

Saturday, April 14, 2012

BEDA 13: A Long Day of Nothing

Today was, well, interesting, i guess. I didn't really do anything.

I got invited to the Sweet Sixteen of this girl I barely know. I met her at camp this past summer and then I get a text from her 8 months later asking for my address so she can send me an invitation to her Sweet Sixteen. Yupp. I got it today. I have to RSVP by tomorrow. I'm probably not going. I'm not much of one for very social interactions. That's why my best friends are two of the quietest people who have ever attended St. Francis; Jimmy and Caroline. Jimmy mostly shrugs. Caroline mostly...well she's not exactly quiet since Nicole corrupted her, but that's another story...was my friend by default.

Not that I don't love her to death, but we basically became friends because we're both smart, neither of us smoke or drink (yeah, that's a rarity in Rockaway), and we're both girls. Also because neither of us really fit in well with the BH girls. Due to the fact that neither of us smoke, drink, or make out wih random guys at the age of 12. Well we don't do any of that now, either, at 14/15.

I don't really have anything left to talk about.

Goodnight Internet.

Books read this year: 8

Thursday, April 12, 2012

BEDA 12: The life of the coolest person I know...

I spent my entire day watching Netflix, specifically a little gem called The Secret Life of the American Teenager.  Oh how darling it is. I drink a sip of lemonade every time they say sex, and I have the hiccups by the first commercial break.

That's basically all I have to say. I'm a loner who watched Netflix all day and ate Coco Puffs.

Bye Internet,
Books Read: 8
Journeys: 6

BEDA 11: Crazy People at the Airport

Today I had to do what every one who is on holiday must do: I boarded a plane to return home. I had to wake up at 7am to pack my bag up because I was charging my phone and everything and then got downstairs for tea with my uncle. He made me a bagel and we talked until my mom and, eventually, my aunt came down.

We left for the airport at 8, planning to be there at 8:30. Yeah, we got there even sooner. We were at the airport and through security by 8:35. The security line was so short it was beautiful. Nothing like JKF at all! CLT (Charlotte Airport) was so not crowded. That is why I love it. For someone who flies loads, a non-crowded airport is a blessing. Kennedy drives me crazy. I hate flying out of there. And also in because they take forever with baggage. But I live in NY ( for the time being) and it's kind of unavoidable.

So I met these adorable old people at the gate. They were doing a cross word puzzle and every now and then, they would look away from each other and pull a face. Alright, I'm weird, but it was cute.

We started boarding at about 10:30. And as I sat on the plane and we began to pull away from the gate, the pilot came over the loudspeaker and said that there would be some turbulence until we hit 9,000 feet because there was a heavy cloud cover. Then he turned on the seatbelt sign, and started take off. Let me just say, that was the worst take off I have ever experienced. So just as the plane starts bobbing in the air and rocking back and forth, some lady, decked out in metal, gets up and starts towards the bathroom in the back of the plane. She keeps knocking into people and falling all over the place and I'm just like, What the hell are you DOING?

Moral of the story? If you are decked out in metal and high heels getting up during a turbulent flight, and you fall on me, I will kill you. Or at least want to kill you. But I probably won't because I'm not very keen on going to federal prison.

Okay, goodnight, Internet.
Books read this year: 8
Out of state journeys: 6

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

BEDA 10: I have no creativity today.

I'm just drained today. No creative juices flowing. No energy. Just meh.

My NY2TX video was about weather. And a stuffed horse. Yes. That's how low I've gotten. Given, it was a funny take on weather, but still weather.

I was playing Scatergories with my family today. That's a normal family activity, right? Yeah, take that and times it by Kelleher. Ahhhh.

We had the letter B and the category was Politicians. What does my extremely conservative grandmother write down? Oh, nothing other than, "Bojangles in the White House."

Yes, we are very creative people.


Goodnight Internet.
Plane tomorrow. Gonna miss it here. :(

Books read this year: 8
Out of State Journeys: 5

Monday, April 9, 2012

BEDA 9: Too Much, Too Soon

Do you ever get that feeling that you're taking way too much on, way too soon? And then you do it anyway? Yeah, I know. Most logical normal people don't. I am not logical nor am i normal.

First I decide that I'm going to read 50 books in 2012. That's all well and good and, more importantly, doable. Than I propose the NY2TX project to Caroline, and she says yes. Still doable.

Then, I realize it's April 1st and I had decided months ago that I was going to do BEDA. Oh yes.

Now add that to other things that I had to do, such as homework, and barn chores, and Seaside. (this horse program I work at: and you have a stressed out Theresa Kelley.

I'm really glad that I'm not going to start making videos on my own channel (theresak419) until May, because that is just way too much.

I'm sitting in my room at my aunt's house and there is a life-size pony next to me. It's funny though, because while it id the size of a Welsh-Shetland cross, it has all the attributes of a horse, probably a thoroughbred or TWH.

Okay, Internet. That's all for now.

Books read this year: 8
Out of State Journeys: 5

BEDA 8: Easter Birthdays

Apparently a large portion of people I know are born around Easter Time. (By "know," I mean that I am aware of their existence.

For example, my cousin Shannon Rose was born on the 6th. My other cousin, Amanda was born on the 7th.

And yesterday, Easter Sunday was Alex Day's birthday. This is where the whole "I am aware of their presence thing comes in.

That is all.

Goodbye Internet.

Books Read: 8
Out of State Journeys: 5

Saturday, April 7, 2012

BEDA 7: Explaining This Internet Thing

Today, I took upon the task of attempting to explain this whole internet thing to my family. Yeah, that went moderately well.

I've always been pretty involved on the internet; youtube, portkey, mugglenet, pen pal sites, etc. The works. So I was able to ease my family into all of this. My aunt, however, was not so prepared.

At 1:00am, I got here in Charlotte. After a quick snack, I pulled out my decrepit laptop, Louis, and started editing. My aunt then proceeded to ask me what I was doing and I attempted to explain. argh.

I tried to ease her in with, "I'm very involved with YouTube, and I am going to a video conference called 'VidCon' in June." Yeah, that didn't ease her so much. "UH-HUH. So what do you MEAN?" I tried t go a little more in depth, "I make videos on YouTube with my friend Caroline who lives in Texas." I didn't phase that so well and quickly added, "She used to live in Rockaway. I know her." My aunt came back with, "OKAY...So what does this mean?"

She still seams a little on the fence about the whole thing. Even after a whole day of my showing her or videos. Yeah, can't wait till tomorrow when I have to film another vlog. Argh. That should be fun.

Okay, Internet. It's almost 11 here and I need to wake up at 6.

Books Read This Year: 8
Out Of State Journeys: 5

Friday, April 6, 2012

BEDA 6: Cars, Airplanes, and Pokemon

Today is going to be so crazy. I've got homework and packing to finish up today and then we have to leave at 7pm for the airport.

The flight to NC takes off at 9:59pm and lands two hours later. Between arrival at JFK and arrival at my aunt's house in NC, I some how have to film a NY2TX video.

That's 6 hours. To capture, playback, edit and upload the video. I can so do this. (I don't think I can do this...)

I already told Caroline (the other half of NY2TX who can be found here: ) that my Friday video will probably be online at 2am Saturday because I won't be at the house until almost 1am then to get some last minute footage and finally get it edited and uploaded...argh.

Also Caroline sent me this frantic message last night, "WE HAVE A SUBSCRIBER!" Yes, Caroline, yes we do.

I started playing Pokemon on my laptop a few days ago, and kind of sort of maybe got addicted. It's pretty awesome. So today while searching my room for my old Nintendo DS Lite, I found this AMX gift card for $50. So when my mom gets home, I'm going to ask her to drive me to Rogoffs and I'm going to buy a Pokemon game. I'm probably going to get either Platinum or Crystal, mostly because my brother had the old versions of those when we were kids and I loved them.

I'm coming to you live (I'm such a weenie, excuse my loserness) from my new Bluetooth keyboard for my iPhone. Ya'll don't even know how great it is to be able to type so freely for these blog posts, emails, etc. I still love the regular keyboard on iPhone, but this is such a convenient tool that it's silly not to take advantage.

I also figured out that Bluetooth is allowed on JetBlue (the airline that I'm flying) and also that I can use it when I have my phone set on Airplane mode. This is just too great. So I will be blogging from 35,000 feet in the air. Yay. But I won't be able to post these blogs since I won't have internet 35,000 feet in the air, so they will be coming to you on Saturday at some point.

Okay, I'll see you later Internet

Books Read This Year: 8
Out of State Journeys: 4

Thursday, April 5, 2012

BEDA 5: "My 'LP'"

My grandma, who is 85, got her first laptop a few weeks ago. She's a longtime desktop PC user, but decided that her HP desktop was just too slow. (She bought it two years ago and it's in better condition than my 1 year old laptop.) So she went to Staples and bought an HP laptop.

She then proceeded to hook it up to her 24 inch monitor, a USB keyboard, and a USB mouse. She also calls it her LP. It's very adorable, because she always called her old desktops, "PC." We all poked fun at her for a while and then the jokes stopped. I can now say that I will never make fun of her LP set up again.

As I mentioned a few days ago, my Dell Inspiron 1450 (or 1350. I still don't know!) has been giving me trouble lately with the keyboard. My H key, my G key, my C key, and my colon key, just to name a few, have all stopped working. I tried to deal with it for a few days, but it got to be too much. So I dug out this old Logitech Bluetooth keyboard, and tried to hook it up and, amazingly, it worked! Then I found this old Microsoft wireless mouse, got that set up, and before I knew it, I had my very own LP situation. Minus the 24 inch computer monitor, that is.

I have to say, I'm really liking this. I'm actually considering getting on of those mini Bluetooth keyboards that Apple makes for their iPhone. That would be very, very convenient. If I could get it before tomorrow at 7:00pm (when I leave for the airport) that would be amazing. I'm going to have to lug this entire set up down to North Carolina. Luckily my mom is checking a suitcase and I can stick my keyboard and mouse in there.

It's very nice not having to Google words with the letter H and G in them to copy and paste into whatever I am typing. I really do suggest this to anyone having keyboard problems because it's actually really awesome, once you get past the whole "I-can't-really-leave-my-desk" thing.

Good day Internet, I'm going to go see how much a Bluetooth keyboard for my iPhone would be. :)

Books Read This Year: 8
Out of State Journeys: 4

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

BEDA 4 : Holiday vs. Vacation

I have a bunch of homework to do over the holiday. Yes, I did just say "holiday." Yes, I am aware that I am from America and we do not refer to a break from school/work as a "holiday." An explanation of one of my many oddities is provided for your enjoyment (and, possibly, education) below. 

The word holiday comes from the English "holy day". Easter, the holiday that I will be celebrated while away from home, is a holy day. (If you did not previously know this, I highly suggest "Google-ing" the History of Easter because I am very very worried about you) We here in the United States, Americanized the term "holy day" and created "holiday." 

So that establishes where we get the term holiday from, but why do we Americans say "I'm going on vacation," rather than, "I'm going on holiday?" The word "vacation comes from the verb "to vacate," which basically means "to leave, usually in a hurry." For some reason in America, we associate vacations with exotic beaches, attractive lifeguards, suntans, mixed drinks, and hair braiding. Is this because we are spoiled or, more probably, because we idealize things that we are not exposed to? In even scarier situations, people ignore the things that they live with and then go and pay upwards of a thousand dollars for a beautiful "vacation." 

For example, I am lucky enough to live in one of the most beautiful places on this planet. I have been to the Caribbean, the Bahamas, Bermuda, and Mexico, not to mention many fabulous places in the US, but I have never seen something as amazing as my small hometown. Minutes away from prime fishing locations, seconds away from some of the most amazing beaches on the Atlantic seaboard, conveniently located between the city and the country. It's beautiful. And yet, many families in this town go on beautiful vacations whenever the opportunity presents itself. I get the fact that it's very cold in the North Eastern Seaboard during the late Autumn through early Spring months, and also that it's nice to get away, provided you have the money and the desire, but you should still appreciate how lucky you are. 

Back to the difference between the two terms. Vacation implies, at least to me, that you want to, need to, get the hell out of dodge. So when I go on holiday, it's usually near or including some holy day. 

In the end, the two terms now mean the same thing to most people. I will forever go with the European term of holiday. I do the same thing with journey, rather than "trip." Yeah, I'm a nerd. 

In conclusion, Good Bye. 

Books read this year: 8
Out of state journeys: 4 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

BEDA Day 3 : Evil Technology

Technology is just failing me the past two days. Two days ago my keyboard on my Dell Inspiron 1450 (or 1350, I'm not entirely sure) started acting up. I thought nothing of it…until my H key popped off. Still nothing because you can still type without the plastic. (I do it all the time with my C key.) Now my G key isn't working at all. Nor is my H key. And that is why I am typing this blog and probably many more on my iPhone. During lunch in the bathroom because I won't have the patience later.

Even better, we (Caroline and I) launched NewYorktoTexas yesterday with my video. Yeah. My computer deleted it twice before I had the sense to upload it directly through WMM. Arghh.

I would say my iPhone is still fine but that's only because my case is indestructible. But also I can't update said phone until I back up music from a previous computer. Argghh.

In other techno news, my Nook is fine. I got a Vera Bradley case for it in Blue Rhapsody. (picture below. Somewhere. Where? I don't have the slightest clue because applications are not nearly detailed enough.

Arghh. (new word? I think so.)

Okay. Goodbye Internet. You might crash before I post anything again due to my bad luck.

Ooh also: I'm tracking something new.

Books Read: 8
Out Of State Journeys: 2

Monday, April 2, 2012

BEDA Day 2 : NewYorktoTexas

Hello Internet.

It may be one in the morning, but I hold up that if I haven't gone to sleep for the night, it is still Monday.

Okay, so I talked to Caroline (link to eventually be inserted here) last night about an idea I had.

The idea is a Vlogbrothers style vlogging channel. Caroline loved the idea and immediately said yes. The channel can be found at

Clever aren't we? Caroline lived in Rockaway with me until beginning of this year when she moved to Texas. IE, NEWYORKTOTEXAS.

I'm really excited about this project and we made our first video today, well I did and Caroline's making one tomorrow.

This is gonna be awesome.

DFTBA Internet.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Procrastination Breeds Inspiration.

I have two tests this week. I have 3 homework assignments due tomorrow. They can wait.

Okay, so I wrote a Day One BEDA today about my current life occurrences. I also wrote that I plan on beginning to make YouTube videos in May. I just might start earlier. The first one will probably be a Vlogbrothers style 'Thoughts From Places" video. Maybe not. Who knows?

All I know is I might be going to North Carolina in three days. Yes, this is last minute because two days ago I found out we were not going to Virginia for Easter/ Spring Break. Since NC is about 15 hours away by car when you don't abide by the speed limit, I'm probably flying. Even Better.

I also have a great TM idea that I wanna run by Caroline before I blog about it... but it should be good. Since she's my best friend, we often have the same idea in our heads at the same time, so I'm almost positive she won't think I'm crazy. Almost.

Okay. Yeah. So that's all I had to say...

Good Night Internet.

Books Read This Year: 8

BEDA Day 1 : Attempting to do this.

I am really, really bad at daily commitments.
Like, terrible.

For instance, every year since I was 5 I tried to keep a diary and never succeeded. Well, except for sixth grade when my life got interesting, but even then I didn't remember to do it every day. I've also tried to do those Facebook photo challenges where you post a picture every day for fifty days... Yeah, I failed miserably.

But maybe, just maybe, I will be able to succeed at this. I mean, I have an app on my iPhone for Blogger, I have access to internet practically everywhere. It might be possible.

In other news about my life:

In May, I'm going to start trying to make YouTube videos. In June, I'm going to VidCon. If you do not know what Vid Con is, you need to click here. That will take you to the VlogBrothers video on John Green's favorite VidCon 2011 moments. And then click here to get your tickets to VidCon 2012 in 
Anaheim, California. 

So, I've been making music a lot. Sometimes with this girl, sometimes not.

And also trying to get this guy Dylan, to sell this other guy Matt to Guatemala. His response was just golden. Matt is still in NY for the time being..... how unfortunate.

Also, April is a big month for the births of people I happen to know, so that should help me blog more frequently.

Let's try this internet.

Books read this year: 8

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sometimes...I Do Silly Things

Usually, I am pretty aware about what I am doing when I do it. Sometimes, however, I do very stupid things. Not stupid in the sense that I am ill informed of what my actions will really mean. No. I mean that the things are stupid in the miss judged the idea of what I am doing sort of way. Yeah that made sense...

Caroline can probably attest to the fact that in the 8 years we attended school together, I did many stupid things.
So these are the top 10 stupidest things (in no particular order) I did (or that just happened to me) while in grammar school with Caroline.

  1. I colored the front section of my sort-of-awkwardly-cut-"sidebangs" with a red sharpie. I did this on four different occasions. One of which was during religion class. I was in 8th grade.
  2. Broke 13 bones throughout my body between Grade 3 and Grade 8. Also suffered from 3 concussions that I still blame on my neighbor Matt.
  3. Wrote the name of my first grade crush all over my soft sided Barbie lunch box and pretended it was a laptop. I spent the thirty minutes that we were allowed for lunch "typing" away and also, suspiciously looking over my shoulder every few minutes.
  4. Said "yeah" and "like" a million times in Mrs. Gigliello's class, and didn't get in trouble once. Still kind of afraid that it'll be a surprise attack.
  5. Sat down next to John Powers in 7th grade and didn't get up.
  6. Had applesauce dumped on my lap in Grade 1, and apple left in my backpack in Grade 2, and applejuice squirted at me in Grade 3. All by the same boy. Connor Ryan, aka Manzana Nino.
  7. Met my two best friends, Caroline and Jimmy, when we tied Jimmy to a fence with my slinky. In first grade. It's not stupid that it happened, it's stupid how it happened.
  8. In 8th grade, I tried to prove that it was illegal for our principal, Sr. Patricia, to search our bookbags for cellphones. A: It is completely illegal. She can only search our bags if she had probable cause to suspect illicit substances. and B: I got in trouble for being disrespectful.
  9. I jumped in the Atlantic Ocean in March with a bunch of girls in our gym uniforms.
  10. I roamed Rockaway with Caroline, almost missed graduation practice, almost got kicked out of graduation practice, and got the death stare from Mrs. Greene for playing with Jimmy during graduation.
Now, I am aware of how long this post is getting. But I have to another little section. Don't hate me.

Stupid things that I have done with or relating to Julia Cassidy.
1. Mixed the blue and yellow paint to make green and then proceeded to paint her green. We were three. Friends since.
2. Sat on a five feet wide strip of grass in the middle of a major street in our town with her. In front of a boy who she doesn't know's house.
3. Went on a mile and a half walk with dogs at 10:00 at night with a broken foot and walked through clouds of marijuana smoke...(is that what it's called?)
4. Made up a stupid dance that we did in the middle of the street.
5. Played truth or dare with my neighbor Matt.
6. Rode our bikes home. Barking.
7. Almost got us both attacked by a drunk redhead because he stole something from me. Thankfully Anthony saved us. And fixed Julia's bike.
8. Almost got hit by a car. A lot of times.
9. Broke me ankle and went to her concert that night anyway.
10. Set her up with Matt's cousin whom she hates.

I love you both. Thank you for allowing me to do all this stupid things but also keeping me alive.

Good day Internet.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Foot Hurts

I am 5 feet tall and I weigh about 100lbs. I also love horses. An average 15h horse weighs about 11 times my weight. Do you catch my drift?

I've been around horses for the majority of my young life. From the old arthritic pony at the fair when I was a year old. to Dutchboy, the painted bay lesson horse I rode when I was six. At the age of eight, I graduated to Elmo, a black Quarter Horse who was around 16h. Enough of that now. I think you understand that I have been around horses for the majority of my fourteen year existence. Ironically, I am deathly allergic to horses and have been since I was a baby.

So, even though I was a tiny tot, wandering around the barn hopping bareback on a horse that dwarfed me by size and experience, I have never been stepped on by a horse. That is, of course, until this past Sunday, when this lovely horse I work with, Layla stepped on me. Now, Layla's not huge (just about 15h on a good day, clocking in at 1150-ish-lbs) and I was wearing my steal toed horse riding boots, it hurt like hell.

She stepped on me at the beginning of the 8:30am ride, and for the next seven hours I kept working. Yes. Ouch. I am an idiot. And I swear, if one more person tells me that I "shouldn't have stayed," I'm gonna explode. Or implode. I'm not sure yet.

So at 3:30, Mama Bear Kelley picked me up with the entire family in tow. We go to the hospital, get it X-rayed, and then the doctor comes over and says: "Well, it's definitely NOT broken."

Great! So what the heck is wrong with my foot?!?!?!?

DR: It's what we call a "Crush" injury.
Me: Whaaaaaat?
DR: You see, it's like when you squish Play-Doh...

After that I stopped listening. Play-Doh. My foot is like Play-Doh?!?!?!

I hope to be good to go soon because I miss the horses.

Yes. I am crazy.

See ya soon, Internet.

Books Read This Year: 6

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Distinctive Voice (or shoes)

My name is Theresa and I can not identify the voice of a specific person to save my life. Apparently my shoes are very distinctive though because some girl in the stall next to me identified me by them.

But if you gave me Matt's voice or Caroline's or Julia Carey's. I could do it in a second.

What can I say? I'm weird.

Friday, February 24, 2012

What fresh hell is this?

Yes, I did just use a quote from The Big Bang Theory as the title of this blog post.

So, I wrote a really long post last night about my screwed up family. Which I am sure Caroline will love. But now I really have something extra annoying to post. Ready for the bitchiness? Ohhh good.

Well, this girl Mariah sent me a text message last night. This is how our conversation went.

Mariah: heey guess what??

Yours Truly: what?

M: i have a bf

YT: oh what fresh hell is this?

So that brings us to the namesake of this blog. The fact that I am actually worried that this entire situation will end up causing me mental anguish. This is because I will have to fix her screwy life when this semi-fictional spiral of distastefulness unravels.

I am going to try to be a normal, healthy person and try to just sit on the sidelines as these two people [Chris and Mariah], who are both completely emotionally immature and unable to have a normal relationship, whether friendship or otherwise, with another human being, attempt to interact with each other in a romantic type relationship. Oh dear... This experiment will be further referred to, throughout this blog, as the Chris/Mariah Effect.

This experiment will address Chris and Mariah's relationship and, probably, its downward spiral, and, consequently, my irritation and my overwhelming unavoidable urge to interfere, over-analyze, and attempt to fix the issues.

So, Julia tells me that I'm "such a weird person" because I "can't just be happy for her". Well, Julia, I am happy for her now. Mostly because today, I received another test message from Mariah saying this...

M: did you tell matt?
[Matt is her older brother. He's my age and is very good at retrieving information from unsuspecting sources]
YT: tell matt what?
M: about me and chris ;p
YT: you want me to?
M: NOO!!

So anyway, the conversation dragged on dismally until I asked her if her and Chris had gone out on an actual date. Her response? "No, we broke up." *head spinning/mental pain* Whaaaaat? Yes.
I ask her how long they were going out. The answer? "59 minutes."

I then had to explain to the idiotic thirteen year old that going out for 59 minutes and not seeing the other person in those 59 minutes does not mean that you and that person are "bf/gf likeee tots". Just stop. You're 13. You need to be 13. Stop fabricating relationships.

Well my brain feels better now that I know that nothing happened between the two 13 year old's who probably have a combined IQ of 100.

I have other thirteen year old's dreams to shatter, and I also have to pack. Back home tomorrow. :'( I'm going to miss it here.

Good night Internet.

Books Read This Year: 5

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Prepare to Learn Something New

I am a stress cleaner. Yes. When I am stressed or tired or sick, I clean. And not just "remove pile of dirt from the floor that the dog dragged in on his leash" cleaning. I scrub surfaces. I fluff and perfectly place pillows. Innocent blankets are folded, freshened, over-arranged. Floors washed and rewashed. Counters organized. It's a sickness really. A helpful sickness but a sickness.

Well today my mother and my aunt went out shopping searching for new work clothes. They left at about noon and when to Kohl's. Before they left, I told my mom to call us later so we can all go out for dinner at Ryan's or something. She says "fine", they leave, and I am left with a bouncy three year old. Now, don't get me wrong, I love this child more than anything in the world. But I would like to be in contact with some sort of parental unit from time to time. At around 5 pm, the two fifty-going-on-fifteen-year-olds called and said that they were going to Ulta and would be home in "about an hour." After my cousin (not the three year old; the three year old's mother.) got off the phone, I asked her if they mentioned Ryan's. She said no, so I texted my aunt and there was no response. Called my mother: went straight to voicemail.

So then I took Gabriella (the three year old) out to play ball and that ate up some time. Then, by six o'clock, we were all starting to get worried. We kept calling them and my aunts phone just rang until voicemail. My mom's was obviously off. This kept up until 8. In this two hour time period, we had called Ulta (the woman was confused and suspicious until I said that they both had dementia and were off their medication), both of the movie theaters in the area, and the hair salon. At 8, they called me and said that they hadn't gone to Ulta, they'd been "at Kohl's the whole time." And now they were "going shoe shopping" and they'd be home "in an hour or so."

Well it's 9:30 and they still aren't home. My mother called me about 10 minutes ago and my aunt called my cousin. They were in the same car, having the same conversation, on different phones with different people. Who are in the same room. There are so so many ways to simplify that entire situation, but I'm not even gonna go into those.

So bam. You just learned something knew about the complex, confusing entity that is Theresa Kelley. Congratulations.

My name is Theresa Kelley and I am a stress cleaner.
Good night Internet. I have to go eat some Chik-Fil-A.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Well, This is Awkward...


As much as I would just LOVE to believe that we are all little puppets living our pre-determined lives, we aren't.
People (well, most people) have logic and freewill. That means that we can never really accurately predict what another human being will do. This is especially true when it comes to members of the opposite sex. In my case, boys.

Since girls tend to crowd  up with other girls and talk, and boys tend to gather up with other boys and...well, grunt, humans overall tend to have a better understanding of the same sex. So, I'm pretty sure every girl (maybe not Caroline.) will agree with me when I say that boys are pretty much impossible to predict.

Well. Okay. This is where it just gets weird.
My best friend likes a guy who is basically, drop dead gorgeous. She's totally crazy about him. Great, right? Not great. Now, I do not like this guy. How bout we call him Peeta, like from the Hunger Games? Well, we were all together last night because me and Julia were having a sleep over so we went out with Peeta and Ryan. Anyway. We made Ryan buy us some food then we walked down to the beach. We sat against the wall and it was freezing. So...Peeta put his arm around me and I put my head on his chest. I honestly don't know why. He was warm.

After a while, we all got up and started walking somewhere else because this girl Samantha came along and we were not in the mood to deal with her drunkenness. Peeta gave her a cookie. We walked one street up up and Peeta kept holding my hand or putting his arm around me when we walked towards Ryan's house. Then my phone went off with a text from Julia's mom. It said we had 10 minutes so we should start heading home. Peeta and Ryan walked us home but Ryan kept being really annoying so Peeta grabbed my hand and started running.

When we had a block between us and Julia and Ryan, we stopped running. When we got to Julia's house, he had to wait outside because his mom was on her way and people aren't allowed in Julia's house. So, I sat on his lap with my head on his shoulder until his mom texted me saying she was a block away and then we sat on the stair with Julia and Ryan waiting for her.

I honestly don't like Peeta, but Julia keeps saying that he definitely likes me because he kept touching me, and hugging me all night. This is so bad.

Okay, Internet. I have WHAP homework, and a headache. Wish me luck.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dear Boys,

Thank you so much for the inspiration.

Through what I can only assume is the combined effort of your entire gender, you have inspired many songs that I have written over the past 3 or 4 years.

Yes. Don't think that just because you haven't heard them, that they don't exist. Oohhh, if you believe that, you are so wrong my friend. So wrong.
You probably have heard them, actually.

Yes. Those songs I was playing on my porch for the last two summers, those were about you.

Yes. All the havoc you've reeked on my friendships. All the times you've made me or my friends cry, it's made it into a song of some sort.

Even if I haven't finished it. Even if it's probably stowed at the bottom of a drawer in my bedroom, it's there. And if in a few months, a few seasons, a few summers, you decide to pop back into my head, oh you can bet that I will dig that crumpled sheet of looseleaf at the bottom of the drawer if it's the last thing that I do. I will find it and I will finish it.

Be warned.

Stay out of my mind. And you all probably have at least two songs a piece at this point. Be prepared for more. Because there are always more to come.

Again, thanks for some of my best material. You just can't make this stuff up, even if you are as creative as me.

Sincerely ( and warningly),

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Over the Age of 30 = Chastity

Okay. It may not be my place to judge on this subject. Due to the fact that I am 14 years old, and a virgin. But, I have parents, both of whom are over the age of 30, and I also have an opinion. So here we go.

Parents. If you are over the age of 30. And you have children. Who are either old enough to know what you're doing or smart enough not to believe you when you say "We're just dancing, go back to bed" you should not be "getting it on" with you husband/wife when your children are home. Or when you are home. Save these things for romantic weekends away. Or vacations when you can pawn your kids off on some overly peppy guy from a third world country who runs the kids' club on the cruise ship. Not when you son/daughter is in the next room.

So. What spawned this indignant argument, you ask?
Well, I was talking to my friend and we somehow...I will never know how or onto this subject and she sent me the following message:
"i have heard them... you know
i have heard them make out, then i would hear the doorlock"

Parents! I never want to have someone say this again! That is just...just wrong. No. Just no.

Unless you have the purpose in mind of creating children..Just don't. Please. For your children's sake. And their friends. Don't.

Oh! And the people of the internet because they had to read this.

Super Bowl Plans!

lol at the title...

Just kidding! I'm a loser so I'm staying home. Here is the itinerary for tonight:

Homework, then Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets with Chocolate Milk, then some bakery cookies, maybe watch my puppy or kitten sleep a little, talk to Caroline and/or Julia, and then go to sleep.

But, I'm wild child so I might divert from this plan a little bit...maybe break it up with some watching and listening to the Casey's scream...whatever. It'll will be epic.

Now, I'm not saying that if you are watching the game, you're an idiot imbecile. Basically, I'm saying that don't like football. I'll be happy if the Giants win, of course, because I'm from NY (no. not the city) and I'm not in the mood to be ostracized and hated by an entire state.

So yeah, Go Giants! And also, Go Bakery Cookies!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Mental Anguish

Sometimes, my brain hurts.

Yes. My brain. It hurts. Which is technically impossible for the brain to hurt since it sends the signal to other body parts to feel pain...but still.

Okay, so over the past week or so, I've attempted to update about 10 times. Each time saving it as a draft because I know that I can't fully develop the idea in a literary form. So I've come to the following conclusion: I have to start making vloggy-type videos on YouTube. It's only fair. I have to get these ideas out of my brain or it will explode.

Also, my friend is currently going through some drama with a boy who, since I just finished the Hunger Games, is named Peeta. It's actually hysterical and awkward. And I've written a song about it... so if you wanna know more about Julia's screwed up love life click the link below:

julia's screwed up love life

That. ^ That thing above is a link. A link to my friend Caroline's blog that has full detail about Julia and Peeta's issues.


My brain hurts less. And I'm tired. And delirious.

Goodnight, internet.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tea. So. Much. Tea.

I am drinking tea.

So much tea.

For like three weeks now, I haven't been able to go a day or so without having a cup of tea. For instance, two Sundays past when I was at JBRA (for those who don't know, this is Jamaica Bay Riding Academy) with Julia, and it was really, really cold. I drank like 8 or 9 cups of tea that day. I don't know what's up with me!

Less Than Three, a short story writing contest organized by Kristina Horner and Hayley Hoover, is ending on Tuesday. I'm about 1/3 to 1/2 done. Grrrr...I really should be writing right now. But I'm not. I'm blogging.

My mom surprised me with something HUGE today. Julia's gonna hate me for this, but I'm saying it! She got me tickets for VidCon. And Julia hates me because she can't go, due to a myriad of preventing conditions.

Tomorrow's gonna be so busy. I have to do this vocal thingy at like 11, and then I have to do my Religion homework thanks to Julia, who lent me her book. *monotone voice that school children use when addressing authority figures* Thank you Julia!

Oh! And I finished the Hunger Games today. I'm might post a blog about that from the car tomorrow on my way to all the stuff I have to do.

Oh and I also discovered an epic game for my iPhone the other day. I was watching BBT (best show ever. Sheldon<3) and Sheldon was ranting about a man who was having a heart attack and that he was calm enough to play Doodle Jump on his iPhone. So, of course, I went and downloaded it.

Okay, now I'm gonna go bug Julia cause she has school tomorrow and I don't!

Books Read: 5

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Fault in Our Stars Reaction [No Spoilers]

I read TFIOS when it came out. The day it came out. And I went to make a video response to post to Kristina Horner's review video, but during editing I gave up. I wasn't feeling the video and it just paled in comparison to the book, so it's now sitting on my desktop.

Anyway, today I went to Barnes and Noble with my mom cause we had to do something with the Nook. When I read TFIOS, I read it on my Nook, so I wanted a physical copy. We bought the book and a couple other things and left. In the car on the way home I started to read to my mom, The Fault in Our Stars. She loves it and the second we got home took it out to continue reading. Literally, right now, she's sitting across from me in a recliner with her mouth hanging out, reading the book. Because that is what this book does to you. It's

Honestly? (no, lie to me!)
John Green outdid himself with this book. I love all of his books; Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns. All of them. I haven't read his colabs yet, but I'm going to be sure to check them out.

Oh and my copy of TFIOS was not signed. Just saying. Kristina, you're not alone. But I have a solution for this lack of personalization: I'm going to VidCon this year. Getting my copy signed. It's all good in the hood(ie).

Happy Reading! dftba.

Books Read This Year: 4