Do you ever get that feeling that you're taking way too much on, way too soon? And then you do it anyway? Yeah, I know. Most logical normal people don't. I am not logical nor am i normal.
First I decide that I'm going to read 50 books in 2012. That's all well and good and, more importantly, doable. Than I propose the NY2TX project to Caroline, and she says yes. Still doable.
Then, I realize it's April 1st and I had decided months ago that I was going to do BEDA. Oh yes.
Now add that to other things that I had to do, such as homework, and barn chores, and Seaside. (this horse program I work at: and you have a stressed out Theresa Kelley.
I'm really glad that I'm not going to start making videos on my own channel (theresak419) until May, because that is just way too much.
I'm sitting in my room at my aunt's house and there is a life-size pony next to me. It's funny though, because while it id the size of a Welsh-Shetland cross, it has all the attributes of a horse, probably a thoroughbred or TWH.
Okay, Internet. That's all for now.
Books read this year: 8
Out of State Journeys: 5
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