
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tea. So. Much. Tea.

I am drinking tea.

So much tea.

For like three weeks now, I haven't been able to go a day or so without having a cup of tea. For instance, two Sundays past when I was at JBRA (for those who don't know, this is Jamaica Bay Riding Academy) with Julia, and it was really, really cold. I drank like 8 or 9 cups of tea that day. I don't know what's up with me!

Less Than Three, a short story writing contest organized by Kristina Horner and Hayley Hoover, is ending on Tuesday. I'm about 1/3 to 1/2 done. Grrrr...I really should be writing right now. But I'm not. I'm blogging.

My mom surprised me with something HUGE today. Julia's gonna hate me for this, but I'm saying it! She got me tickets for VidCon. And Julia hates me because she can't go, due to a myriad of preventing conditions.

Tomorrow's gonna be so busy. I have to do this vocal thingy at like 11, and then I have to do my Religion homework thanks to Julia, who lent me her book. *monotone voice that school children use when addressing authority figures* Thank you Julia!

Oh! And I finished the Hunger Games today. I'm might post a blog about that from the car tomorrow on my way to all the stuff I have to do.

Oh and I also discovered an epic game for my iPhone the other day. I was watching BBT (best show ever. Sheldon<3) and Sheldon was ranting about a man who was having a heart attack and that he was calm enough to play Doodle Jump on his iPhone. So, of course, I went and downloaded it.

Okay, now I'm gonna go bug Julia cause she has school tomorrow and I don't!

Books Read: 5

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