So a couple of posts back I wrote about my busy summer plans. Well, in keeping with the Theresa-is-moderately-insane theme that this blog has taken on over the past few months, I am now going to share with you my Summer Projects for 2012. Yay!
Okay so the 7th of June is my last day of class, but I'm considering the 13th to be the beginning of my summer vacation as I am finished with finals.
I have regents on the 14th and 19th and I get my report card on the 22nd, but whatever. And I am considering the 7th of September to be my end of Summer. That's a full three months for me to complete some
awesome non school related projects. So shall we?
- Since I'm going to be traveling a lot this summer, and participating in a lot of events, I'm going to keep a summer trip/event journal. I'm going to put this in a marble-composition-type-notebook because their durable, and easy to carry around.
- I'm going to be continuing my Awesome Notebook in which I state why each day is awesome. In the back I've been keeping a list of books I've read for the 50 Book Challenge, which brings me to the next project.
- I'm going to try to read 15 books this summer, which may not even allow me to complete the 50 Book Challenge. But I WILL complete it. Mostly because I am terrified of failure in any form.
- Videos can be expected on my channel:, EVERY WEEK! Oh my Gosh! What a change!!!
So those are my summer project. I'll also be updating this as often as I can, which should be much more often than I have been since I have the Blogger app for my iPhone. But you know.
So I'm home from PA, and I think that within the next two weeks you can expect a video on my channel with Julia. It would have been up two weeks ago, but I need to refilm because my head isn't in the frame. This is mostly because I have better posture than Julia, despite her being taller than me.
Okay, Internet, this is the first time I am ever going to say this but, please subscribe/follow me on Blogger, Twitter, YouTube, and Tumblr. It would mean a lot. Also comment underneath this post, or any post. I'd like to know that I'm being read and comprehended.
Ooh! And in about a month I'm going to be announcing something big that only Caroline and Julia know. Enjoy perusing the internet.
Books: 10 (soon to be 11)
Journeys: 14!