I finished Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs last week. Comments? I hope to God that there is a sequel. It was so amazing. GO! Go now. To the store and buy the book. It was really, really good.
I'm in Pennsylvania right now, and I got some footage for my video on the trip up, as well as when I got into my bedroom. I love the PA house. It's so cute. Tomorrow we're (my dad and I) are going to the Goodwill because I need a nightstand...and tripod if they have one. I'm getting a new camera in a few weeks and a tripod with it, but I think I need a tripod for the PA house because I am NOT lugging my microphone stand up here to film. Not happening.
I brought up an old test from the Rockaway house. It used to be my mom's, then it was mine, then my brother's. Then darling brother of mine ran off to California, leaving the desk (and most of his possessions) behind. So today, I unceremoniously dumped all of his crap into a milk crate in his room and my dad carried the desk down the four flights of stairs, and I followed with a wooden chair. :)
Well, Internet, it's almost 2am, so I'm going to sleep now.
Books read: 10!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Breathing A Sigh Of Relief
I think I just took my first actual deep breath in a while.
I just finished editing my first video for my channel and wow, it's nice to relax. Now don't get me wrong, I'm very stressed right now, but now that I have that first video up, it's all gone! I filmed my Tuesday NY2TX video at 11:30 last night and uploaded it this morning.
I don't think I'll bitching on this blog for a while....that is until the week before VidCon and I decide that I should premote NY2TX and my own channel. Oh yeah, you guys don't know this yet!
I'm going to VidCon 2012 in Anaheim California! Ahhh! I wish Caroline and Julia were coming but I'm definitely bringing them with me next year. So at VidCon I want to do come like promoting of the NY2TX channel as well as my own. I'm really looking foward to VidCon and who knows? Maybe next year Caroline and I will have tickets to Industry Day at VidCon. (Oh my asdfghjkl that would be amazing!)
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is really good and you should check it out.
Thank you, Internet, for allowing me to do all the interesting things I do.
Books read: 9
Journeys: 10
I just finished editing my first video for my channel and wow, it's nice to relax. Now don't get me wrong, I'm very stressed right now, but now that I have that first video up, it's all gone! I filmed my Tuesday NY2TX video at 11:30 last night and uploaded it this morning.
I don't think I'll bitching on this blog for a while....that is until the week before VidCon and I decide that I should premote NY2TX and my own channel. Oh yeah, you guys don't know this yet!
I'm going to VidCon 2012 in Anaheim California! Ahhh! I wish Caroline and Julia were coming but I'm definitely bringing them with me next year. So at VidCon I want to do come like promoting of the NY2TX channel as well as my own. I'm really looking foward to VidCon and who knows? Maybe next year Caroline and I will have tickets to Industry Day at VidCon. (Oh my asdfghjkl that would be amazing!)
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is really good and you should check it out.
Thank you, Internet, for allowing me to do all the interesting things I do.
Books read: 9
Journeys: 10
Monday, May 7, 2012
New Things Occuring!
Wow. Here we are. It's May. Wow.
Okay, so back in April (aka: the month of many year changing decisions) I said I was gonna start making videos on my youtube channel in May. Well here we are and, um, how many videos have I made? Uhhum...None.
I decided the other day in the shower that I'm going to make videos on Wednesdays and Thursdays, depending on the NY2TX cycle. Smart, huh? But, I didn't think this so well through.... I have the 2 day cycle this week: Tuesday and Thursday. So that means that it's Monday, tomorrow is Ny2Tx, then Wednesday is my video. It's all happening so fast and I'm glad that ya'll have stuck around through my bitching and moaning about taking on too much, too soon (see all the blog posts on this exact topic).
Oh! I also started Tumblr-ing. (Is that the word?) My blog is www.saddle-freedom.tumblr.com and it's a 95% horse blog, but I'm considering starting one for like my YouTube-y life, or just like my life in general, but in picture form. There are so many social network-y things that I'm involved in right now. Shall I list? Oh, Thank you! Feel free to add me on any of these; as long as you're not some socio/ psychopath, I'll accept.
1. Facebook: www.facebook.com/theresak419
2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Theresa_Kelley
3. Tumblr: www.saddle-freedom.tumblr.com
4. Main Blogspot: www.myeyesshouldbegreen.blogspot.com
5. Life Blogspot: www.theresakellz.blogspot.com
6. NY2TX: www.youtube.com/user/newyorktotexas
7. Main Channel: www.youtube.com/user/theresak419
8. Personal e-mail that I am not going to post here.
9. Professional e-mail: theresakelleymusic@gmail.com
10: The NY2TX e-mail that I'm not going to post here either.
Now, why am I telling you all this? Many reasons.
1. I love whoever takes the time out of their day to read what I take the time out of my day to write.
2. Because in a chat room the other day, some one who has actually seen NY2TX was like, "Do you and Caroline have VYou accounts?"
No. We don't. And this is why: we both have to manage all of the things I listed above plus more! Caroline has Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr(s), Blogspot(s), NY2TX, her own channel, e-mail(s) and life to handle. VYOU is just too much! If ya'll want to contact us, you can do one of three things.
You can:
a) Put it in the comment or message us on the NY2TX youtube.
b) Leave a video response on a NY2TX video!
c) Facebook it to us. (We do not have plans for a NY2TX Facebook page, so send it to me or Caroline, please.)
Okay. That's all for now, because I have taken up enough of your day, Internet.
Books: 9
Journeys: 10
Okay, so back in April (aka: the month of many year changing decisions) I said I was gonna start making videos on my youtube channel in May. Well here we are and, um, how many videos have I made? Uhhum...None.
I decided the other day in the shower that I'm going to make videos on Wednesdays and Thursdays, depending on the NY2TX cycle. Smart, huh? But, I didn't think this so well through.... I have the 2 day cycle this week: Tuesday and Thursday. So that means that it's Monday, tomorrow is Ny2Tx, then Wednesday is my video. It's all happening so fast and I'm glad that ya'll have stuck around through my bitching and moaning about taking on too much, too soon (see all the blog posts on this exact topic).
Oh! I also started Tumblr-ing. (Is that the word?) My blog is www.saddle-freedom.tumblr.com and it's a 95% horse blog, but I'm considering starting one for like my YouTube-y life, or just like my life in general, but in picture form. There are so many social network-y things that I'm involved in right now. Shall I list? Oh, Thank you! Feel free to add me on any of these; as long as you're not some socio/ psychopath, I'll accept.
1. Facebook: www.facebook.com/theresak419
2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Theresa_Kelley
3. Tumblr: www.saddle-freedom.tumblr.com
4. Main Blogspot: www.myeyesshouldbegreen.blogspot.com
5. Life Blogspot: www.theresakellz.blogspot.com
6. NY2TX: www.youtube.com/user/newyorktotexas
7. Main Channel: www.youtube.com/user/theresak419
8. Personal e-mail that I am not going to post here.
9. Professional e-mail: theresakelleymusic@gmail.com
10: The NY2TX e-mail that I'm not going to post here either.
Now, why am I telling you all this? Many reasons.
1. I love whoever takes the time out of their day to read what I take the time out of my day to write.
2. Because in a chat room the other day, some one who has actually seen NY2TX was like, "Do you and Caroline have VYou accounts?"
No. We don't. And this is why: we both have to manage all of the things I listed above plus more! Caroline has Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr(s), Blogspot(s), NY2TX, her own channel, e-mail(s) and life to handle. VYOU is just too much! If ya'll want to contact us, you can do one of three things.
You can:
a) Put it in the comment or message us on the NY2TX youtube.
b) Leave a video response on a NY2TX video!
c) Facebook it to us. (We do not have plans for a NY2TX Facebook page, so send it to me or Caroline, please.)
Okay. That's all for now, because I have taken up enough of your day, Internet.
Books: 9
Journeys: 10
Saturday, May 5, 2012
First time out in a week!
So I was really ill this past week and didn't get any work from any of my classes done. Ahhhh! NOT good! I'm doing it all today and tomorrow. I was supposed to do it yesterday, Friday, but I was feeling better so I went with my Aunt to B & N because she wanted to get my Grandmother a Nook for Mother's Day. I picked up a few things while I was there:
- Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. Ransom Riggs is a nerdfighter and a close friend of John Green! I've been meaning to get this for a while but never got around to it. It's kind of creepy so far, but a good creepy!
- A new B & N card while I was checking out.
- A Tall Iced Latte from the attached Starbucks Cafe (YUM!) and a German Pretzel thing. They are so good, and just like the ones in Germany!
I forgot home much I live the Garden City B&N. I have to go there more often, and next time with NERDFIGHTER NOTES!
My member card! |
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My latte! No pictures of the pretzel though. I completely forgot! |
Books Read: 9
Journeys: 10
BEDA 30: So....Anaphylaxis is fun...
So this happened on Monday night into yesterday, but I didn't mention it for some reason in those BEDAs.
Apparently I'm allergic to like artificial food dye. I know this now because I got a huge rash after eating a piece of cherry pie my dad bought on Monday evening. Then my throat and chest started feeling tight; My throat was starting to close up and I was having an asthma attack. I didn't feel well until late yesterday, and I still feel ill now. I have some type of really bad bug. Caroline's exempted me from videos this week. So if you watch them (maybe you do! and that's great if you do!) Caroline made one yesterday but I'm not sure if she's making one tomorrow.
Being me just keeps getting more and more fun.
Books: 9
Journeys: 10
Apparently I'm allergic to like artificial food dye. I know this now because I got a huge rash after eating a piece of cherry pie my dad bought on Monday evening. Then my throat and chest started feeling tight; My throat was starting to close up and I was having an asthma attack. I didn't feel well until late yesterday, and I still feel ill now. I have some type of really bad bug. Caroline's exempted me from videos this week. So if you watch them (maybe you do! and that's great if you do!) Caroline made one yesterday but I'm not sure if she's making one tomorrow.
Being me just keeps getting more and more fun.
Books: 9
Journeys: 10
BEDA 29: Life Lessons.
Here's something that you probably could have already assumed : When you have a New York car towed from your Pennsylvania summer residence to a Toyota Motor World to get a new set of keys because you think your dog stole them, the mechanics are not going to jump on the opportunity.
So as you could have guessed, today went so smoothly. I woke up about 20 minutes before the tow truck came, had an English Muffin and some incorrectly brewed tea, and then started packing my stuff. The tow truck gets here and I am ushered out of the house with the leash-less dogs in tow, and into my father's blue truck. So I sat there and watched as the beautifully dressed could-be-politician gets out of the tow truck. He proceeds to lose his keys, and then isn't sure where the axle is on my mother's mini-van. This took about 45 minutes for this guy to get his act together and then we were off to Motor World.
Let's do a quick preliminary total of how much time I wasted today due to Motor World.
= 1 1/2 hours.
So we get to Motor World and my parents get out to go get the keys and everything. They're gone for like half an hour, during which time I began to reread TFIOS. Then they come back and my dad says, "Well it's gonna be like 2-4 hours so we're going back to the house." FUN RIGHT?
Three hours later they call my dad's cell and say that they can't get the key until tomorrow. My mom comes into the living room where I am happily living and says that we're taking the 4Runner (My dad's blue truck.)
Let me just say that that was my idea in the first place. Gahhhhh!
Books :9
Journeys: 10
BEDA 28: The Case of The Missing Keys
My mom, or dad, or dog, lost the keys to our car so we are stuck in Pennsylvania until tomorrow when we can get new keys from Toyota. Nicely done parentals, nicely done.
So, we're eating tacos for dinner and I'm making brownies. FUN FACT! I don't even like brownies, but I'm feeling very domestic. :3
Cody sat next to me in the van for about 2 hours while I read TFIOS for about the millionth time. My darling mother and father were in the living room screaming at each other about keys while their best friends sat on the couch between them. How awkwardly pleasant. Anywho, Cody hates fighting, screaming, and basically any expression of frustration, so he slept in the driver's seat while I read. It was nice. Peaceful.
I finished TFIOS today. Again. The sad thing is that The 50 Book Challenge is just for first time reads. Eh. I'll get over it. Currently reading Silas Marner and Eclipse.
Books read : 9
Journeys : 9
I finished TFIOS today. Again. The sad thing is that The 50 Book Challenge is just for first time reads. Eh. I'll get over it. Currently reading Silas Marner and Eclipse.
Books read : 9
Journeys : 9
Friday, May 4, 2012
BEDA 27: Things I do that I shouldn't do.
Today I went quadding with a broken foot.
My dad asked me if I wanted to take a ride with him and my mom and my aunt and uncle and I was like, "Can I do that with a broken foot? Like am I allowed to do that?" And what does my father say, "Not being allowed to do something has never stopped you before."
So I went. It was awesome. asdfghjkl. Amazing.
Also, I'm finding I have a strange addiction to tumblr.
I found out that the lead singer of my favorite band, He Is We, is no longer able to tour. Her health was declining when I saw her last July with my then best friend, Samantha. She has an autoimmune disease that made her have to take two chemotherapy drugs. Then she found out recently that she has another disease that I can't spell that cause fusion of the vertebrae. I love her and Trevor, and was so lucky to meet them and talk to them when I was in eighth grade. They're great people and I'm so lucky to be able to say I know them personally.
BEDA 27: North-West Bound.
Well, sort of. I'm off to Plymouth, Pennsylvania home of...nothing.
My dad decided that we needed a vacation house. Okay. So when normal people think "vacation house" they think South Hamptons, Bahamas, Bermuda, even Upstate NY. Does anyone ever wake up one morning and say to themselves I'm going to buy a house in Pennsylvania today ? Now, if you are a sane person, you probably said no. You have obviously never met my father. (Which most of you probably haven't, now that I think of it.)
My dad bought the house in PA a few months ago from the bank. Apparently, the previous owner was some crazy guy. He had about a thousand pigeons in a coup out back. Before he lost the house to foreclosure, he wired the electricity up to the gas line. *Insert volcanic eruption*
So, off to Pennsylvania. It's actually quite awesome. Quadding around the mountains. It's just cool.
Buh-Bye Internet.
Journeys: 9
My dad decided that we needed a vacation house. Okay. So when normal people think "vacation house" they think South Hamptons, Bahamas, Bermuda, even Upstate NY. Does anyone ever wake up one morning and say to themselves I'm going to buy a house in Pennsylvania today ? Now, if you are a sane person, you probably said no. You have obviously never met my father. (Which most of you probably haven't, now that I think of it.)
My dad bought the house in PA a few months ago from the bank. Apparently, the previous owner was some crazy guy. He had about a thousand pigeons in a coup out back. Before he lost the house to foreclosure, he wired the electricity up to the gas line. *Insert volcanic eruption*
So, off to Pennsylvania. It's actually quite awesome. Quadding around the mountains. It's just cool.
Buh-Bye Internet.
Journeys: 9
BEDA 26: Opinions! Books Vs. EBooks
Ready for me to spit opinions at you, even though you really don't care? Oh, dandy!
I have a Barnes and Noble Nook and I love it. The fact that I can carry around literally thousands of books in my bag is a big seller for me.
I love books. I love being able to see how far left until I finish the book.
I actually thought that I good make a long blog about this, but I can't. So, there it is...
Books= YAY!
Go forth and be nerdy, Internet.
Books: 9
Journeys: 8
BEDA 25: A Teacher Story Fit For The Learning Channel.
Today I had Advanced Placement World History or, as we call it at Mary Louis, WHAP. Oh WHAP...
My teacher, Ms. Bruen, never ceases to amaze me with her uncanny ability to ignore the world around her. We're learning about the Renaissance and Henry VIII. Ms. Bruen loves it when people ask questions, so I asked her if there are Catholic churches in England now. (Obviously, there are. My uncle works at the American Embassy in London. He attends church at a Roman Catholic church every Sunday.)
So anyway, Ms. Bruen says to me, and I quote, "There are VERY few. The last time I was over, I had to go to one of THEIR churches. There wasn't a Catholic church for 100 miles." Really, Ms. Bruen? 100 miles. That's like saying there are no mosques on the Rockaway peninsula. There aren't many but, downtown, there are some. I told my grandmother what Ms. Bruen said. Her response? "Where was she? Up the Queen's ass?"
She also told the class that if you can count your possessions, you are in poverty. *blinking and shaking head in disbelief* No no no. Anyone can count their possessions, if they have enough time and patience. And also, material possessions are not an acurate determiner of wealth. I could be the richest person in the world, but I'm just not glutinous.
Oh, American education system, you never do fail when it comes to my personal amusement and irritation.
Goodbye Internet.
Books read: 9
Journeys: 8
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
BEDA 24: Stories of Stupidity; Chapter 1.
Remember that time when I was a normally functioning person? Yeah, me neither.
Today, I fell. Literally, I fell when walking into school. I was crutching along when I slipped and my broken-foot-leg crumpled underneath me. My religion teacher Mr. Reed picked me up. And then I fell again. After I got over to a bench in front of the general office, this tiny little nun, Sr. Fillipa started yelling for some teacher to get "Pat." Sr. Pat is our school nurse and I have spent way too much time in her office this year.
The tiny man teacher comes sprinting down the hallway in slow motion to end up breathing hard in front of us. "Pat's not in her office," he panted. Enter awkward teenager. I just quickly said, "I'm fine.I really am. My knees just hurt. I'm fine." Then tiny nun, who is probably pushing 80, takes my 30 lb backpack and starts carrying it to my locker. Teachers were stopping her, asking if she needed help. Meanwhile, back at Theresa's subconscious, I felt like a jerk.
Well thats it for this episode of stories of stupidity. I'll see you next time, Internet.
Books read:9
Today, I fell. Literally, I fell when walking into school. I was crutching along when I slipped and my broken-foot-leg crumpled underneath me. My religion teacher Mr. Reed picked me up. And then I fell again. After I got over to a bench in front of the general office, this tiny little nun, Sr. Fillipa started yelling for some teacher to get "Pat." Sr. Pat is our school nurse and I have spent way too much time in her office this year.
The tiny man teacher comes sprinting down the hallway in slow motion to end up breathing hard in front of us. "Pat's not in her office," he panted. Enter awkward teenager. I just quickly said, "I'm fine.I really am. My knees just hurt. I'm fine." Then tiny nun, who is probably pushing 80, takes my 30 lb backpack and starts carrying it to my locker. Teachers were stopping her, asking if she needed help. Meanwhile, back at Theresa's subconscious, I felt like a jerk.
Well thats it for this episode of stories of stupidity. I'll see you next time, Internet.
Books read:9
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